I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This film starts of with a young boy who is very famous because of his skills in Ping-Pong/Table Tennis, then one day he plays with another famous person but he loses because he saw his dad being captured by Chinese people because his dad betted money on his son to win, but he lost so since the Chinese people are vey dangerous they kill him because the dad said if his son wins they will spare him but if he loses they can kill him. 19 years later the young boy grows up and is called in by FBI AGENTS and they say that he will have to help them capture the man who killed his father, the AGENTS say that all he has to do is join in the tournament of Ping-Pong somewhere in South-America where the bad guy lives and he is the judge in the tournament. There is only one problem since he has not played in 19 years he will have to re-train by a professional Chinese coach who is blind but has years of experience in Ping-Pong, it is also revealed that he also trained the bad guy but he kicked him out since the bad guy had bad taste. The coach also has a niece who also has a experience in Ping-Pong and in Martial Arts/Kung Fu. After some hilarious events he is fully trained then go's to the place where the tournament is and is ready to play Ping-Pong and ready to capture the bad guy. In my opinion it is one of the best comedy films I have ever seen, I suggest you should watch it also it's really good.

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