Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another Super Hero movie, the Super Hero I will talk about is BATMAN there are basically 8 BATMAN films but in different collection and have different characters which are all considered to be the 90's/2000 classics and all time blockbusters except for one which is BATMAN AND ROBIN. Here are images and trailers to all of the BATMAN MOVIES.
I will now tell you what the all 8 BATMAN movies are about in short summaries.
1.) BATMAN THE MOVIE: This 1966 film is about the dynamic duo BATMAN AND ROBIN taking on the 4 most dangerous criminals THE JOKER, THE RIDDLER, THE PENGUIN and THE CAT WOMAN.
2.) BATMAN: This first film is about a caped crusader known as BATMAN takes on the psychopath criminal known as THE JOKER.
3.) BATMAN RETURNS: This second film is about BATMAN taking on the cold-blooded animal known as THE PENGUIN and a girl known as THE CAT WOMAN.
4.) BATMAN FOREVER: This third film is about BATMAN now taking on the formal lawyer HARVEY DENT now known as psychopath criminal HARVEY TWO-FACE and THE RIDDLER, with the help of his first partner ROBIN.
5.) BATMAN AND ROBIN: This fourth film is about BATMAN AND ROBIN taking on 3 new criminals MR FREEZE, POISON IVY and BANE with the help of a new partner BATGIRL.
Now I will tell you about the other 3 BATMAN movies which have been rebooted.
6.) BATMAN BEGINS: This first film is about a millionaire BRUCE WAYNE who concurs his fears of BAT'S and becomes a caped crusader known as BATMAN fights of criminals and takes on 2 men RAS AL GHUL and THE SCARECROW.
7.) THE DARK KNIGHT: This second film is about BATMAN taking on the most wanted psychopath criminal THE JOKER with the help of a new DA HARVEY DENT and COMMISSIONER GORDEN , later in the film THE JOKER somehow brings HARVEY on his side after HARVEY'S face is half-scarred then HARVEY turns into a criminal himself by changing his second name into HARVEY TWO-FACE and kills people by deciding their fates by using his lucky coin.
8.) THE DARK KNIGHT RISES: This third and last film is about BATMAN teaming up with a CAT BURGLAR to take on another psychopath criminal named BANE who plans to destroy GOTHAM CITY.
In my opinion I love all the BATMAN movies including BATMAN AND ROBIN, I love all the stories, I love all the action and I like all the actors who have acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films to they are very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another Indian Science Fiction but also a Super Hero Action-Packed film which is called KRRISH, this film is a sequel to the other film I talked about which was KOI MILL GAYA, KRRSH is considered to be one of the 2006 classics and a very big hit. Here is an image, a link to the trailer of the film, and one of the songs from the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This Sci-Fi Super Hero Action film is about Five-year-old KRISHNA MEHRA is the son of scientist, ROHIT and his late wife NISHA. He lives in the town ofKasauli. He undergoes anintelligence quotient(IQ) test by his catholic school principal who suspects that KRISHNA has superpowers like his father, due to KRISHNA answering all the questions flawlessly. His grandmother, SONIA, takes the young KRISHNA to a remote mountain village to conceal his unique abilities. Years later, KRISHNA meets vacationing friends, PRIYA KALYANAN and HONEY ARORA, who both live inSingapore. KRISHNA's friend BAHUDUR takes the girls' camping crew, led by KOMAL SINGH, near his home to camp. KRISHNA saves PRIYA from ahang glideraccident and falls in love with her when spending time with her.
After returning home to Singapore, PRIYA and HONEY are fired by their boss, NAYANTRA, for taking a non-permitted extension of 5-days in their vacation. To keep their jobs, HONEY suggests her boss making a television program about KRISHNA. Aware of KRISHNA's love towards her, PRIYA calls him to join her in Singapore to ask about her mother's permission to marry her. SONIA objects to this, saying that people will want to exploit his abilities. She then explains the events of the previous film and how ROHIT got his superpowers. She also tells him that ROHIT was called to Singapore and was hired by a scientist, Dr. SIDDHANT ARYA, to design acomputerthat could see the future to prevent wars and help prepare against natural disasters. ROHIT later discovered that the purpose of the computer was not for good, so he destroyed it and was later killed by SIDDHANT. KRISHNA's mother, NISHA, also died oftrauma, just after giving birth to KRISHNA. KRISHNA promises SONIA that he will never reveal his powers, so she permits him to go. In Singapore, during the program's production, KRISHNA keeps his word and reveals nothing exceptional about himself; HONEY and PRIYA are fired again.
KRISHNA meets circus performer KRISTIAN LI, who attempts to raise funds to pay for his young sister's leg surgery. He invites KRISHNA and PRIYA to his circus, where a fire breaks out during the performance. Several children remain trapped in the blaze. To save the children without revealing his abilities, KRISHNA wears a broken blackmasklying over there and wears his jacket inside-out, creating the person "KRRISH". Later, when KRISTIAN sees KRRISH fighting some goons and removing his mask, he discovers that his friend KRISHNA is KRRISH. As KRRISH is being offered a reward for his deeds, KRISHNA asks KRISTIAN to assume the identity, so that he can pay for his sister's surgery.
Meanwhile, PRIYA and HONEY also discover that KRISHNA is the real KRRISH upon seeing PRIYA's footage from her video camera on TV. They decide to release the footage on TV to make KRISHNA a star. KRISHNA arrives and overhears them talking about how PRIYA had lied to him, and how they will reveal his identity. Just before PRIYA confesses to HONEY that she has genuinely fallen in love with KRISHNA, he leaves, dejected.
After being confronted by KRISHNA at his apartment, they talked about what she said, PRIYA realises her mistake and stops her boss from revealing KRRISH's identity. She then meets Dr. VIKRAM SINHA, who has been searching for KRISHNA for years. He tells them that ROHIT is still alive; after completing the computer, he and ROHIT tested it by starting it with ROHIT'sretinaandheartbeatscan. They saw SIDDHANT holding ROHIT at gunpoint. ROHIT understood that SIDDHANT was going to kill him and then use the computer for his own selfish needs. He destroyed it and later, was being taken as a prisoner by SIDDHANT until he starts a new future computer.
In the present, SIDDHANT has rebuilt the computer after 20 years. He starts it to see his future and sees KRRISH holding him at gunpoint. SIDDHANT then kills KRISTIAN, thinking that he is KRRISH. KRISHNA later follows SIDDHANT to his remote hidden island lair. When SIDDHANT looks into the future again, he sees the same thing and is shocked to see KRRISH still alive and on his island.
When KRRISH enters the compound, there is a vicious fight with SIDDHANT's thugs. KRRISH eventually kills them with his superpowers, but SIDDHANT kills VIKRAM and holds ROHIT and PRIYA at gunpoint. Eventually, KRRISH saves PRIYA and ROHIT, and wounds SIDDHANT fatally. Before SIDDHANT dies, KRISHNA reveals himself as the real KRRISH to him and ROHIT by removing his mask. After SIDDHANT dies, KRISHNA and PRIYA, then save ROHIT and take him back toIndia, reuniting him with SONIA. ROHIT then uses his late father's special computer to contact his alien friend JADOO, whose spaceship is later seen coming from a distance. ROHIT, KRISHNA, PRIYA and SONIA thank JADOO and KRISHNA and PRIYA get married.
In my opinion I love this movie it's one of the best Super Hero films I have ever seen, I love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another action-packed movie which is called SPEED, this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and a very big hit. Here is an image and a trailer of the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This film is about a cop who tries to protect passengers on a bus which a psychopath terrorist has planted a bomb on, he has to make sure it does not explode involving a lot of violence and bloodshed. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, the action and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's really good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about an Indian Science Fiction film which is called KOI MILL GAYA it is sometimes referred as KMG and in English translation it means (I FOUND SOMEONE), this film is considered to be one of the 2003 classics and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image, a trailer and one of the songs from the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This Science Fiction film is about Scientist SANJAY MEHRA has created acomputerfrom which he sends variations of the syllableominto space, hoping to attractextraterrestrial life. When he believes he has finally received a response, the scientific community ridicules him. While SANJAY is driving home, frustrated, an alien spacecraft appears overhead. He drives off the road and the car explodes, killing him. His pregnant wife, SONIA, is injured but survives; their son, ROHIT, is born with adevelopmental disability due to the injury he received in the accident while still being a foetus. SONIA learns that surgery is the only cure for ROHIT's disability, but it could paralyze or kill him. Not wanting to lose her son, she raises him inKasauli.
A young woman, NISHA, arrives and is initially antagonistic to ROHIT because of his childishpractical jokesagainst her. Her friend, RAJ, and his four friends attack ROHIT and break hiskick scooter; SONIA chides them for assaulting ROHIT, saying that he did not intentionally make fun of her. Realizing her mistake, NISHA gives ROHIT a bicycle and introduces him to her parents, who are sympathetic to him. ROHIT and NISHA now friends find SANJAY's old computer, and ROHIT inadvertently summons the aliens. The aliens leave hastily, accidentally leaving a group member behind. ROHIT, NISHA, his young friends, and SONIA befriend the alien, naming him JADOO and discovering hispsychokineticabilities.
RAJ resents NISHA's closeness to ROHIT, bullying him and spreading a rumour that RAJ and NISHA are getting married. The rumour upsets NISHA and ROHIT, who is hurt because he thought NISHA was his girlfriend. JADOO discovers that ROHIT is disabled and uses his powers, derived from sunlight, to enhance ROHIT'smentalandintellectual ability. The next morning, ROHIT has clear vision; a seventh-standard student, he later solves an oral tenth-standard mathematics problem surprising his mathematics teacher and his school principal.
ROHIT's physical abilities increase tosuperhumanlevels. RAJ and his friends challenge ROHIT and his friends to a basketball game. ROHIT scores several baskets, and RAJ and his friends begin to cheat; when the sun comes out, JADOO helps ROHIT and his friends win the game. ROHIT tells NISHA that he loves her, and she returns his affection. RAJ's friends confront ROHIT's friends about the basketball game. ROHIT's friends flee, dropping JADOO. Constable CHELARAM SUKHWANI sees JADOO in a bag and calls for backup. Led by Inspector KHURSHID KHAN, they capture the bag; however, ROHIT rescues JADOO. Confronted by RAJ and his friends, an angry ROHIT overpowers them and the policemen arrive. JADOO is not in the bag; he had escaped when CHELARAM was calling the other police officers.
KHAN, suspicious of ROHIT, confronts him at his house with other officers. The police seize JADOO and knock ROHIT out. When he regains consciousness, ROHIT catches up to the police cars in time to save JADOO from being sent to the United States. Theflying saucerwhich he had summoned with his father's computer returns, and ROHIT bids a sad farewell to JADOO. When JADOO leaves, ROHIT reverts to his old self; this saves him from prosecution by thegovernment, who congratulate him for his actions.
RAJ and his friends later harass ROHIT, challenging him to kick a ball to them. ROHIT angrily kicks the ball into RAJ's face after JADOO permanently returns his superpowers. ROHIT and NISHA thank JADOO, and get married.
In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a sci-fi action-packed film which is called THE MATRIX, this film is considered to be one of the 1999's classic and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about a computer hacker known as NEO finds out that the world he lives in is basically a dreamworld which is called THE MATRIX, he is later taken to the real world and starts to train in martial arts/kung fu with the help of many people including a man named MORPHEUS and a woman named TRINITY, MORPHEUS says to NEO that the only reason he brought him to the real world is that because he believes NEO is the one who can protect their real world, then the battle begins when 3 agents start to attack them including many violence and bloodshed. When I watched this film for the first time when I was 6 I did not understand it, but when I turned 13 I watched it again and understood it properly. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, the action and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's really good.
Helloit's Bilal again, today I will do another blog about a romantic musical but also a thriller action movie which is called KAHO NAA PYAAR HAI, it is sometimes referred as KNPH and in English translation it means (SAY YOU LOVE ME), this film is one of the 2000's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image, a trailer and a jukebox of all of the songs in the Film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic action film is about ROHIT and his younger brother AMIT are orphans living in Mumbaiwith their landlords LILY and ANTHONY(to whom they regard as their aunt and uncle). ROHIT is an aspiring singer who works as a salesman in a car showroom, run by MALIK. One day, he meets SONIA SAXENA, the beautiful daughter of wealthy Mr. SAXENA, MALIK's friend, when he visits her to deliver the car her father brought for her birthday. Unknown to everyone, MALIK is running a drug cartel with the help of two corrupt police officers KADAM AND SHINDE.
ROHIT and SONIA meet again during her birthday party on the beach. After ROHIT sings for SONIA, he is invited to perform on a cruise. ROHIT and SONIA become drunk during the celebrations and fall into a lifeboat that separates from the ship. ROHIT rows to an island, where they are stranded for a couple of days. During this time, they continue to fight and eventually fall in love. They are rescued by SAXENA, who does not approve of their love due to their class differences. ROHIT is consequently fired from his job by MALIK. However, SAXENA makes a deal with ROHIT claiming that if ROHIT becomes successful, SAXENA will allow him to marry SONIA because she is from an upper-class family. Determined to prove himself, ROHIT and his friends attempt to procure a record deal for him. ROHIT eventually becomes a locally well-known artistand prepares to perform at a concert.
On the day of the show, while going to pick up AMIT for it, ROHIT witnesses the corrupt policemen and MALIK shooting and killingpolice commissioner, who found out about their drug dealings. They discover ROHIT's presence and shoot at him, wounding him before pursuing him over a bridge. SAXENA is also revealed to be part of the drug cartel and orders ROHIT's murder. They knock his bike off-track, causing him to fall into theArabian Seabelow. ROHIT, who doesn't know how to swim, drowns and dies. The policemen are sent to search the in the sea but are unsuccessful in finding his body. AMIT is traumatized by the news and becomes mute and ROHIT's family and friends, including SONIA, fall into depression.
SAXENA sends SONIA to stay with his brother inNew Zealandto help overcome her depression. There, she meets her cousin NEETA's friend, RAJ CHOPRA, the son of a billionaire NRIbusinessman, who, to her immense shock, strikingly resembles ROHIT, though their personalities are quite different. RAJ falls for SONIA but she avoids him, due to reminding her of ROHIT. Upon learning her story, RAJ accompanies SONIA back toIndiaand gives her hope to keep living, before deciding to let her go, as he knows she does not love him. However, at the airport, one of the corrupt officers spots them and opens fire on RAJ. After RAJ and SONIA escape, RAJ realizes that somebody is mistaking him for ROHIT, and the two realize that ROHIT was murdered.
RAJ is welcomed by ROHIT's family and friends. His presence brings AMIT out of his shell, and RAJ learns that AMIT witnessed ROHIT's murder and saw the culprits. The gang decides to set a trap to expose the killers, with RAJ posing as ROHIT to lure them out while AMIT is to identify the guilty men. During this time, RAJ confesses to SONIA that he loves her. MALIK, SAXENA, and the officers panic upon learning that "ROHIT" is alive. RAJ performs at a concert in tribute to ROHIT, knowing his killers will come, although MALIK and the officers arrive at the concert disguised. SAXENA is reunited with his daughter and learns about the plan. He calls MALIK and tells him who "ROHIT" really is and not to fire. After the performance, ROHIT reveals to the crowd details of the shooting that he learned from AMIT. Before he can reveal the names of the killers, one of the officers shoots him, causing panic in the audience, although RAJ is saved due to wearing a bullet-proof jacket. SAXENA tries to chastise MALIK, who counterpoints that SAXENA is trying to conspire with SONIA to trap them all.
To catch who they believe is ROHIT, the officers kidnap SONIA and threaten to kill her if he does not reveal himself. RAJ arrives at the place where she is being held. He fights the corrupt police officers and beats each of them to death, saving SONIA. MALIK arrives and reveals his motive for mercilessly pursuing RAJ and SONIA but is fatally shot by SAXENA before he can reveal his involvement. Amit upon arriving with his family recognizes MALIK as one of ROHIT's killers.
RAJ later learns that SAXENA was the man MALIK called before killing ROHIT through MALIK's phone. On being confronted, SAXENA confesses his crime to his daughter and RAJ before being arrested. As RAJ is about to leave with AMIT, SONIA confesses that she loves him and does not want to lose her love again, as she already lost ROHIT. The couple returns to New Zealand, taking everybody with them, and they get married with the blessings of their families.
In my opinion I love this movie I love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another action-adventure movie collection which has BRENDAN FRASER (the famous actor from the film GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE) starring in it, the movie is called THE MUMMY, there are basically 3 films in THE MUMMY collection but I will just talk about the first and the second movie because the third movie is quite boring, these movie's are considered to be one of the 90's/20's classics and an all time blockbusters. Here is an image and trailers to the 2 movies.
I will now tell you what the 2 MUMMY movies are about in short summaries.
1.) THE MUMMY: This first movie is about a group of treasure hunters who go to Egypt, then go to a desert which is forbidden for a human being to enter and accidentally using a book called THE BOOK OF THE DEAD (which brings dead people back to life) bring back a deadly MUMMY who was cursed back in the 15th century, after that they will have to find a way to kill him.
2.) THE MUMMY RETURNS: This second movie is about THE MUMMY (from the first movie) gets awaken again but by different people who do it by purpose because those people need to use him to fight THE SCORPION KING so they can gain power on his ARMY, also the other main characters (from the first movie) find out about this and they try to find a way to stop this.
In my opinion I just love the first and the second movie in THE MUMMY collection, I do not like the third one because it is really boring, from the first and second movie I love the story, I love the action and I like the actors who acted in these movies, I suggest you should watch these movies as well you will love it also.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another action-packed Indian movie which is called KOYLA in English translation it means (COAL), this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and a very big hit. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about a mute man named SHANKAR who lives in a village and who is a loyal servant for a rich man who calls himself RAJA SAAB. RAJA SAAB owns a COAL MINE where villagers work for him and with the help of his spoilt and violent psychopath brother BRIJWA treats everyone in the village badly including SHANKAR , he also ruins the life of a poor but a beautiful and spirited village girl GAURI who SHANKAR feels so sorry for. One day when RAJA SAAB's cruelty to GAURI is so bad that SHANKAR finally decides to go against his master and to protect and take care of the girl he loves. SHANKAR takes GAURI to the jungle in order to get away from RAJA SAAB, BRIJWA their friend D.I.G and their henchmen, they come to the jungle to look for SHANKAR and GAURI but RAJA SAAB's henchmen are slowly killed by SHANKAR then RAJA SAAB decides to leave as they are being disadvantaged to SHANKAR, once they go SHANKAR and GAURI come out of hiding and go to the mountains of the jungle to enjoy their freedom, but RAJA SAAB, BRIJWA and D.I.G come back by gathering reinforcements, RAJA SAAB slits SHANKAR's throat and tosses him off the mountain side and takes GAURI to be sold in the markets. Meanwhile a village boy finds SHANKAR hanging on a tree under a base of a mountain and he saves SHANKAR and takes him to a healer where SHANKAR is being cured and operates on his throat, while operating on his throat the healer manages to find a way to cure his vocal cords in his throat which can make him able to speak. The next morning when SHANKAR wakes up the healer tells SHANKAR that he wasn't mute by birth but endured some kind of physical trauma and young age, the whole story is revealed in a flashback SHANKAR recalls that when he was a boy, his father HARIYA THAKUR discovered diamonds in the coal mine, however he and his wife were murdered in front of SHANKAR by two mysterious men RANBIR and DILAWAR; when young SHANKAR threatened to tell everyone what they did to his parents, someone came up from behind him and shoved hot coals into his throat, rendering him mute, the story then moves back in the present SHANKAR is able to speak now so he is no longer mute, recovers, heals quickly, re-trains himself and returns, first SHANKAR has a hand to hand fight with BRIJWA and kills him by putting his head into a hot oven and is reunited with GAURI after rescuing her from the same men RANBIR and DILAWAR that killed his parents. SHANKAR, in the process, discovers that RAJA SAAB was the person who made him mute and who ordered his parents to be killed so he could steal their wealth. He kills RANBIR by throwing him off the cliff, with the help of GAURI, his best friend CHOTTE and CHOTTE'S dad VEDJI, SHANKAR lures DILAWAR into the COAL MINE and kills DILAWAR by dropping the lift on him then kills D.I.G by shoving a grenade in his mouth, all of RAJA SAAB's guards and henchmen are killed by GAURI, CHOTTE, VEDJI and the villagers by throwing COAL at them , then SHANKAR finally manages to corner RAJA SAAB, who finally apologizes to SHANKAR for his wrongdoings to him, but SHANKAR disregards this and kills RAJA SAAB by setting him on fire with a huge COAL. After their victory SHANKAR and GAURI embrace each other, finally at peace.
In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about a action-adventure film which has HARRISON FORD (one of the world's famous actor) starring in it, the film is called INDIANA JONES, there are 4 films in the INDIANA JONES collection with different stories but with same actors, INDIANA JONES is considered to be one of the 80's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and a trailer of the 4th INDIANA JONES movie, in this trailer it also shows highlights from the other 3 INDIANA JONES movie's.
I will now tell you what the all 4 INDIANA JONES movie's are about in short summaries.
1.) INDIANA JONES AND THE RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: This first movie is about when archaeologist INDIANA JONES travels to Cairo to find a LOST ARK which is called THE ARK OF THE COVENANT.
2.) INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM: This second movie is about when INDIANA JONES travels to India to help the villagers to find 3 sacred stones which are called SANKARA (FORTUNE AND GLORY) STONES, and to release the villager's children who are kidnapped by evil men.
3.) INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE: This third movie is about when INDIANA JONES teams up with his father and go's with him to a city called Alexzandretta (closer to Cairo) to search for THE CUP OF CHRIST which is called THE HOLY GRAIL by using his dad's GRAIL DIARY. 4.) INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL: This fourth and last movie is about when INDIANA JONES teams up with his old girlfriend and a young biker (who is revealed to be his son) and travels to NASCA PURU to find a CRYSTAL SKULL and then return it to the temple it came from.
In my opinion I love all the INDIANA JONES movies , I love all the stories, I love all the action and I like all the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you watch these movies to you will love it also.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a religious action-packed film which is called KARAN ARJUN, this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and a blockbuster hit. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This religious action-packed movie is in a village inMALAKHERA, DURGA SINGH is a poor woman raising her two beloved sons KARAN and ARJUN. When MUNSHIJI of THAKUR SANGRAM SINGH, comes to talk to DURGA, DURGA reveals that their father was the THAKUR's son, who had married her against his father's wishes. DURJAN SINGH , a relative of THAKUR, killed DURGA's husband to prevent him or his family from inheriting the THAKUR's estate. DURJAN kills THAKUR after revealing he killed his son all those years ago and when he learns of his plans to sign over the estate to KARAN and ARJUN, he brutally murders both with the help of his brother-in-laws NAHAR SINGH and SHAMSHER SINGH. DURGA prays to GODDESS KALI to bring her sons back. Miraculously, her prayers are heard and her sons are reborn, but into different families with no knowledge of their past lives, DURGA is unaware of this miracle.20 years pass for all these years she keeps on persuading the villagers and the temple priest of the GODDESS KALI that KARAN and ARJUN will come back, she is given garlands by DURJAN, NAHAR and SHAMSHER they mock at her and say to her put it on her sons photo, DURGA vows to put the garlands on their dead bodies especially DURJAN'S. ARJUN is reincarnated as VIJAY. He falls in love with the wealthy SONIA, but neither knows that SONIA is to marry DURJAN SINGH's son, SURAJ SINGH. KARAN is reincarnated as AJAY. He is chased upon by tomboy BINDIYA who loves him. He soon works for SAXENA , SONIA's father and DURJAN's partner in his illegal arms trading business. KARAN and ARJUN still have nightmares and visions about their previous lives and they can't figure out why. On learning about VIJAY, SURAJ attempts to kill him but ends up burning the farm of VIJAY's Uncle. At SONIA and SURAJ's engagement party, VIJAY arrives and attacks SURAJ. AJAY is sent to kill VIJAY and the two start to fight, which is suddenly interrupted after a bolt of lightning strikes in between them. SAXENA tries to shoot VIJAY, but AJAY stops him whilst shouting for ARJUN to run. This is something that KARAN had said to ARJUN in their previous births when he was being attacked by one of DURJAN'S brother-in-law NAHAR. AJAY is sent to prison while VIJAY escapes. He then visits AJAY in jail to say thank you for saving his life and ask why did he said those words to him "Run ARJUN Run" because he dreamt of someone of saying those exact words to him. SONIA is forcibly taken to DURJAN's house to marry SURAJ. VIJAY and his friend LINGHAYYA travel to MALAKHERA to save SONIA. Everybody in the village who sees him is stunned and calls him ARJUN. He finally remembers his past life and reunites with DURGA, where he gets to know about his brother KARAN, who is now AJAY. VIJAY saves and helps AJAY escape from prison, brings him and BINDHIYA to MALAKHERA and explains the whole situation to him and then AJAY also remembers his past life and reunites with them. DURJAN hears about KARAN and ARJUN's return but refuses to believe it, so his brother-in-law's NAHAR and SHAMSHER attempt to bring them before him. In the process, they are killed by KARAN and ARJUN in a similar way as they killed KARAN and ARJUN, then DURGA places the first two garlands on their bodies. At the village temple of GODDESS KALI, rituals are held for SONIA and SURAJ's wedding. KARAN and ARJUN frighten DURJAN by convincing him that they are back. Soon, SAXENA and DURJAN have a falling out, in which SAXENA tells SONIA to run away with VIJAY, but it's revealed to be a trap. KARAN succeeds in creating a diversion, letting ARJUN and SONIA escape with him. then KARAN and ARJUN start the battle with the help of MUNSHIJI, LINGHAYYA, SONIA, BINDHIYA, DURGA and the villagers they lay bobbie traps and with weapons they kill all of DURJAN's henchmen, during the battle ARJUN kills SURAJ and sends his body to DURJAN, DURJAN in a fit of rage kills SAXENA then takes SONIA hostage and demands KARAN and ARJUN to come forward , DURJAN attempts to kill KARAN and ARJUN, but they overpower him and beat DURJAN really brutually and save SONIA. DURJAN runs to DURGA and begs her for forgiveness. However, she orders her sons KARAN and ARJUN to kill him for after all that pain and suffering he caused her and her sons, she then places the last garland on his body. Later after DURJAN's death, at the GODDESS KALI's temple DURGA gets those colourful bangles that KARAN and ARJUN bought 20 years ago and puts it on SONIA and BINDHIYA's wrists, ARJUN marries SONIA and KARAN marries BINDHIYA with the whole family finally and happily reunited.
. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's really good.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a action movie which has SYLVESTER STALLONE (one of the worlds famous actor) starring in it, the film is called DEMOLITION MAN, this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image and a link to the trailer of the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is set in the year 2032 and it's about a dangerous and a psychopath criminal who was frozen gets thawed out only for a case hearing but he escapes and creates chaos in the city. The new city police force have never dealt with violent crimes in years so they will have thaw out a cop who was frozen on false charges and has a enmity with the criminal and because he is the only one who can fight and catch the criminal. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the action and I love the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's really good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another musical but also a family drama film which is called HUM SAATH SAATH HAIN, it is sometimes referred as HSSH and in English translation it means (WE STAND UNITED), this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This musical family saga is about In the past RAMKISHAN, a rich businessman loses his first wife sadly. They have a 1-year-old son VIVEK. RAMKISHAN remarries the kind MAMTA, and VIVEK also accepts and respects her as his own mother. Later the two have three kids: PREM, SANGITA and VINOD. 7 years later While trying to save PREM and VINOD from a probable accident, VIVEK is injured leaving him handicapped due to his right hand paralysis.19 years later PREM returns fromUSafter completing his studies. SANGITA lives with her husband ANAND and daughter RADHIKA. VINOD is busy in studies. VIVEK is still in treatment for his hand. On RAMKISHAN and MAMTA's anniversary function, the four siblings wish them with respect.
Seeing VIVEK's love for them, RAMKISHAN's business associate ADARSH's daughter SADHNA likes him at first sight. ADARSH sends a wedding proposal for her. VIVEK agrees and marries SADHNA. VINOD is secretly in love with SAPNA (daughter of RAMKISHAN's colleague DHARAMRAJ).
They show the love of PREM and PREETI (daughter of RAMKISHAN's friend PRITAM). Everyone agrees to engage them. Eventually, PREM and PREETI find out about VINOD and SAPNA who get engaged too. RAMKISHAN makes VIVEK the managing director of his company.
A bitter turn comes when ANAND's brother ANURAG cheats on him from inheritance and share in the family business. This incident triggers insecurity in MAMTA's mind. Meanwhile, her three friends and DHARAMRAJ fill her head with thoughts as to why VIVEK should be in charge of the family inheritance. This makes MAMTA very paranoid.
She questions RAMKISHAN's decision, and wants division of the business equally between all sons. He disagrees as it will divide the family. Heartbroken after finding out, ViVEK asks RAMKISHAN to put PREM in charge of family empire and moves back to their ancestral village Rampur with SADHNA. VINOD accompanies them.
PREM refuses to replace VIVEK as head of the family. VIVEK convinces him to go along with plan in the interest of preventing further conflict within the family. PREM tells MAMTA that he won't marry and can't replace VIVEK if she wants so. Eventually, ANURAG realizes his mistake and unites with ANAND.
SANGITA asks MAMTA to bring back VIVEK. MAMTA realizes her mistakes and visits Rampur with RAMKISHAN. In the hospital, SADHNA delivers a boy. Later, PREM and VINOD marry PREETI and SAPNA. DHARAMRAJ apologises realising ill-manner cannot end the love in family MAMTA kicks her 3 friends out of her lives because they were the ones who filled in her head with bad thoughts. All live happily ever after. What I learnt from this movie is that you should always spend time with your families. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the songs/music and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's so good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about a CHRISTMAS comedy action film which has ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER starring in it, the film is called JINGLE ALL THE WAY, this film is considered to be one of the 90's CHRISTMAS films classic. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed comedy film is about a father who wants to buy his son a big hot selling CHRISTMAS toy, but since it is a very famous toy it's sold out quickly, he then starts to have a rivalry with a mailman who also wants to buy his son that toy involving a lot of comic events. In my opinion I love this movie I laughed so much when I first time watched it, I love the story, I love the comedy and action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's so good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another romantic musical film which is called HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN, it is sometimes referred as HAHK and in English translation it means (WHO AM I TO YOU?), this film is considered to be one of the 90's cult classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in short summary. This romantic musical saga is about Brothers PREM and RAJESH lost their parents at an early age. They live with their uncle KAILASH NATH. RAJESH manages the family business and his family is on the look-out for a suitable bride for him. One day, KAILASH meets his college friend, SIDDHARTH CHAUDRY, who is now a professor, after several years. SIDDHARTH and his wife MADHUKALA have two daughters named POOJA and NISHA. SIDDHARTH and KAILASH arrange marriage between RAJESH and POOJA. From their first meeting, NISHA and PREM start bickering light-heartedly with each other, and the fun and mischief continue throughout POOJA and RAJESH's wedding.
PREM has an amicable relationship with RAJESH's warm-hearted sister-in-law NISHA. In time, POOJA and RAJESH realise their love for each other, and it is revealed that POOJA is expecting a child. SIDDHARTH and MADHUKALA are unable to come to KAILASH's house for the ceremony marking the impending arrival of the baby. They send NISHA instead, who is present at the birth. Meanwhile, NISHA and PREM fall in love with each other, but keep it a secret. SIDDHARTH and MADHUKALA come over to KAILASH's house to celebrate the birth of their grandchild. When the time comes to part, their hosts are dejected, especially PREM. He and NISHA promise each other that they will soon reunite forever.
POOJA is invited to stay at her parents' house, and PREM takes her there. When they arrive, POOJA learns that PREM and NISHA are in love, and gives NISHA a necklace as a token, promising to get them married. Shortly afterward, POOJA accidentally slips, falling down from the stairs, and eventually dies from a head injury. Everybody is shattered by the tragedy.
NISHA takes good care of POOJA and RAJESH's son. Hence, SIDDHARTH and KAILASH feel that NISHA will be a great mother to the baby. They decide to have NISHA marry RAJESH. NISHA overhears SIDDHARTH and MADHUKALA talking about her marriage into KAILASH's family and thinks that they are discussing her marriage to PREM, to which she agrees. Later, at a pre-nuptial ceremony, she finds out that she is actually going to marry RAJESH.
PREM and NISHA vow to sacrifice their love for RAJESH and the son. Moments before the wedding, NISHA asks PREM's dog TUFFY to give PREM the necklace that POOJA had given her, along with a letter. TUFFY exits NISHA's room and instead of taking the letter to PREM, delivers it to RAJESH. RAJESH reads the letter and realises that PREM and NISHA love each other. Subsequently, he halts the wedding and confronts both NISHA and PREM. In the end, NISHA and PREM marry each other with the consent of their families.
In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the songs/music and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to you will love it also.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another action-packed movie which also stars ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER in it, the film is called COMMANDO, this film is considered to be one of the 80's classic. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about a retired Army Officer who must get his kidnapped daughter back from South American criminals who have a enmity with the Officer involving a lot of action events. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, I love the action and I love the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another romantic musical and action film which is called MAINE PYAR KIYA, it is sometimes referred as MPK and in English translation it means (I HAVE LOVED), this film is considered to be a 80's/90's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic musical action saga is about KARAN is a poor mechanic who lives in the countryside with his only daughter, SUMAN. He decides to try his luck in business and travel toDubaiso he can earn enough to get his daughter married. Thus, he decides to leave her with his old friend KISHAN. KISHAN, a wealthy businessman, allows SUMAN to stay at his house while her father is away as he cannot turn down his old friend's request. SUMAN is befriended by KISHAN's only son PREM, who assures her that a boy and a girl can be platonic friends.
PREM takes SUMAN to a party organised by SEEMA, who is the only daughter of KISHAN's business partner, RANJEET. JEEVAN, nephew of RANJEET, is proud and arrogant and humiliates SUMAN and PREM, accusing them of falsely claiming to be "just friends". SUMAN leaves the party in tears and distances herself from PREM. At that point, PREM and SUMAN both realise that they have fallen in love with each other.
PREM's mother KAUSHALYA probes deeper into PREM and SUMAN's relationship and approves of SUMAN as her daughter-in-law. KISHAN, however, is unhappy with the relationship and asks her to leave his house. He feels that she has taken advantage of his hospitality. KARAN returns from abroad and is enraged at KISHAN's behaviour and KISHAN accuses him of plotting to set up PREM and SUMAN. KARAN and KISHAN quarrel, and eventually KARAN and SUMAN return to their village, deeply humiliated.
PREM refuses to accept the separation, so he goes to SUMAN's village and begs to be allowed to marry her. KARAN, angered by KISHAN's accusations, says he will allow the marriage on one condition: PREM must prove that he can support his wife through his own effort and live separately. PREM begins to work as a truck driver and labourer in the nearby quarry. At the end of the month, PREM has earned the required money. On the way to KARAN's house, he is ambushed by JEEVAN and a group of ruffians who attempt to kill him. He survives, beats up the goons but his wages are ruined in the fight.
KARAN harshly dismisses PREM's effort and cannot believe PREM's story about the ruffians' attack. PREM begs for another chance to prove himself. His sincere determination melts KARAN's heart and he agrees to allow his daughter to marry PREM. Meanwhile, RANJEET goes to PREM's father and tells him that KARAN has killed his son. Unable to believe this, KISHAN travels to KARAN's village, only to find PREM alive. When PREM beats the goons and confronts JEEVAN, KISHAN and KARAN beat up RANJEET and the goons , while JEEVAN abducts SUMAN. In the end, PREM, KARAN, KISHAN , PREM's childhood friend MANOHAR and the village uncle RAHIM CHACHA join hands to defeat a common enemy RANJEET, his nephew JEEVAN and RANJEET's supporters, and then save SUMAN. RANJEET's leg is broken in the fight and he and his supporters are arrested. JEEVAN is chased to a cliff, where SUMAN falls and hangs off a branch. After PREM beats and overpowers JEEVAN, he attempts to lower himself down with a rope to save her, and JEEVAN is attacked by a bird (the same one that he tried to kill earlier but SUMAN stopped him from), till he falls off the cliff. SUMAN and PREM climb up the cliff to safety. JEEVAN, who is hanging on the branch, attempts to intervene, but instead is put into greater risk, and, finally, is pecked in the face by the bird and falls to his death just as a mining bomb explodes. KARAN and KISHAN's estrangement comes to an end and PREM and SUMAN marry.
In my opinion I love this film, I love the story, the songs/music, the action and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch it to it's really good.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a action-packed movie which has ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (one of the world's most famous actor) starring in it, the film is called PREDATOR, this film is considered to be one of the 80's classic. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about an Army Officer who leads his team of 6 men to a jungle where they discover a man-hunting killing beast involving a lot of action and mystery events. In my opinion I love this movie I love the action, the story and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch it to it's really good.
Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another romantic film which is called VEER-ZAARA, this film is considered to be an all time blockbuster and a very cult classic. Here is an image and jukebox of all of the songs in the movie.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic musical saga is about In 2004, theGovernment of Pakistandecides to review unsolved cases pertaining to Indian prisoners as a goodwill gesture. SAAMIYA SIDDAQUI, a budding Pakistani lawyer, is given prisoner 786's defense as her first case. The prisoner has not spoken to anyone for 22 years. After addressing him by his name, VEER PRATAP SINGH, VEER opens up to SAAMIYA and narrates his story.
22 Years ago In 1982 ZAARA HAYAAT KHAN is a lively Pakistani woman whose family is of the political background and high standing in Lahore. ZAARA's Sikh governess (whom she addresses as her grandmother) BEBE asks ZAARA to scatter her ashes in the Sutlej river among her ancestors as her last wish. While traveling to India, ZAARA's bus meets with an accident. ,an INDIAN Air Forcepilot Squardon Leader VEER PRATAP SINGH, rescues her, and she completes BEBE's final rites. VEER convinces ZAARA to return with him to his village to spend a day together on account ofLohri. ZAARA meets VEER's uncle CHOUDRAY SUMER SINGH and his AUNT SARASWATI KAUR. VEER realises that he is falling in love with ZAARA.
The next day, VEER takes ZAARA to the train station for her train back to Lahore, planning to confess. However, he ends up meeting ZAARA's fiancé RAZA SHIRAZI. Before she leaves, he confesses his love to her, accepting that they cannot be together. ZAARA boards in silence and bids him goodbye; both believe they will never meet again.
Back home in Pakistan, ZAARA realises she too is in love with VEER but that she must keep her family's honour and marry RAZA, a wedding that will further the political career of her father JEHANGIR. Seeing ZAARA breaking down, her maid and friend SHABBO calls VEER, asking him to take ZAARA away before her wedding. VEER quits the Indian Air Force and travels to Pakistan. When he arrives, ZAARA runs into his arms in tears, causing her father to fall sick in shock. MARIYAM begs VEER to leave ZAARA because JEHANGIR's high-profile reputation and health will be too bad if news gets out that ZAARA is in love with an Indian. VEER respects this request and decides to leave but RAZA, outraged by the shame ZAARA has brought upon him, has him wrongly imprisoned under the name of RAJESH RATHORE on charges of being an Indian spy. Meanwhile, the bus VEER was supposed to be on going back to India falls off a cliff, killing all the passengers. When VEER hears this in jail, he believes the amulet ZAARA's mother gave him is just protected his life.
Back in the present VEER requests SAAMIYA not to mention either ZAARA or her family whilst fighting the case, believing ZAARA is happily married by now and he will only ruin her life. Due to this, SAAMIYA decides to cross the border and find someone in VEER's village who can prove his true identity. In VEER's village, she is shocked to meet ZAARA and SHABBO instead. ZAARA had thought that VEER died in the bus accident 22 years ago. After news of his death, she broke off the marriage with RAZA, and her father agreed, getting them divorced himself. Afterward, ZAARA and SHABBO left Pakistan and settled in VEER's village in India, so that ZAARA could keep VEER's dream of running a girls' school alive. SAAMIYA takes ZAARA back to Pakistan, and she shares an emotional reunion with VEER. Her statement and evidence prove VEER's innocence and his identity as VEER PRATAP SINGH and not as RAJESH RATHORE, and the judge frees him, apologising on behalf of Pakistan. VEER and ZAARA, finally reunited, get married, say goodbye to SAAMIYA at the Wagah border crossing, and return to their village, living happily ever after.
In my opinion I love this movie, I also love the songs and music, the story and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to you will love it also it's very good.
Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another sport comedy film which is called BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, this film is considered to be one of the 2000's biggest hits ever. Here is an image and a trailer of the film.
I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This sports-drama comedy film is about two girls who are best friends, who both play football really good in a coaching centre and are both fans of a professional footballer DAVID BECKHAM. The first girl who is a British woman who her parents let her play and the other girl who is an Indian/Sikh woman who her parents forbid her to play, so now the Indian girl has 2 options, the first one is to obey her parents, the second is to follow her dreams as a footballer with her best friend. In my opinion I love this movie, I love the comedy,story and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch it to it's really good.