Tuesday 21 June 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another musical and action-packed movie which is called NASEEB in English translation it means (DESTINY), this film is considered to be one of the 80's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and the full movie of it.

I will now tell you what the film is about in a short summary. This musical action film is about a story of destiny and fate, begins with a lottery ticket. A drunken man who cannot pay his tab trades: he decides to sell his ticket to the waiter, NAMDEV. NAMDEV purchases this ticket with his three friends DAMU, RAGHU and JAGGI. Using a system of drawing out the highest card to decide who keeps the ticket, JAGGI wins, and the ticket stays with him. When the ticket turns out to be a winner, DAMU and RAGHU turn on the other two, murdering JAGGI and framing NAMDEV, However, DAMU takes a photo of RAGHU killing JAGGI. NAMDEV goes on the run, but RAGHU and DAMU intervene and throw him over a bridge into a river. NAMDEV is presumed dead.

Twenty years later, DAMU and RAGHU have used their stolen lottery money to build a fabulous hotel and make millions, becoming very successful businessmen. DAMU has used a share of his money to send his youngest son, VICKY, to school in England. They have even employed NAMDEV's oldest son JOHNNY, VICKY's best friend, as a waiter in the hotel. By coincidence or by fate JOHNNY and VICKY fall in love with the same beautiful singer, Miss ASHA. JULIE is a childhood friend of VICKY's who is in love with him, but he only sees her as a friend. When JOHNNY discovers this, he and JULIE sacrifice their own love to ensure that VICKY and ASHA get together. At the same time, JOHNNY's younger brother SUNNY has fallen for ASHA's younger sister, KIM. NAMDEV is alive has revealed to be rescued by a person called DON. He sends NAMDEV undercover to investigate the death of KK after DAMU kills him. Mrs GOMES sees him and in excitement, falls off a bus and becomes unconscious. RAGHU's and his sons PREM AND ASHOK plan to kill DAMU and VICKY for their own financial gains. His younger son ASHOK shoots at them but they survive. NAMDEV knocks out ASHOK and VICKY and takes them away. JOHNNY follows him. NAMDEV gets into a fight with JOHNNY and is about to kill him just as Mrs. GOMES regains consciousness and reveals that JOHNNY is NAMDEV's son. KIM and ASHA happen to be the daughters of JAGGI, the man NAMDEV was framed for the murderer.

DAMU confronts RAGHU and reveals the photo he took of him killing JAGGI. RAGHU gets into a fight with DAMU, ending with RAGHU's elder son PREM pushing him off the balcony, killing him. Before dying, he reveals to SUNNY that the proof of NAMDEV's innocence is somewhere near. SUNNY finds the photo but RAGHU and his son hold him at gunpoint and burn the evidence. NAMDEV, JOHNNY and VICKY capture RAGHU's younger son ASHOK. NAMDEV and RAGHU exchange their sons at the revolving restaurant hotel with SUNNY revealing another photo of JAGGI's killing. DON however, holds them hostage and takes the photo. He tells NAMDEV that if he confesses to murdering JAGGI that he will free him later on. He also tells RAGHU that his men will shoot JOHNNY, VICKY and SUNNY when they get home. ASHA, JULIE and KIM overhear this. DON's son ZEBISCO tries to kill them, motivated by revenge due to VICKY closing down his casino in London. ASHA, JULIE and KIM break in and take ZEBISCO down. JOHNNY, VICKY and SUNNY beat him up and force him to tell his father that they are all dead. That night they go to the hotel in disguises during a performance, take the photo off DON and hand it over to the police. NAMDEV, JOHNNY, VICKY and SUNNY fight their enemies. While doing so, the hotel catches fire with ZEBISCO, DON, PREM, ASHOK and RAGHU falling to their death. JOHNNY, VICKY and SUNNY narrowly escape and NAMDEV is proved innocent. The film ends with NAMDEV owning the hotel and calling it NASEEB HOTEL and allowing the man who sold them his lottery ticket free food from the hotel forever, telling him never to sell his destiny.

 In my opinion I love this film this one also has won my heart as well, I also love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the action and I like the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.

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