Tuesday 21 June 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a religious, musical, comedy and action movie which is called AMAR AKBAR ANTHONY, this film is considered to be one of the 70's classic and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and the full movie of it.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This religious, musical, action-packed and comedy film is about On 15 August 1955, a former chauffeur named KISHANLAL is released from jail after serving time for a fatal hit-and-run accident actually committed by ROBERT, the crime lord that he used to work for. Despite ROBERT's assurances that his family would be well looked after, KISHANLAL comes home to find his wife BHARTI suffering from tuberculosis and his three sons starving. KISHANLAL seeks ROBERT's help, but ROBERT humiliates him instead and orders his henchmen to kill him. KISHANLAL escapes in one of ROBERT's cars – which is carrying a load of smuggled gold bullion. ROBERT's henchmen give chase. Returning home, KISHANLAL finds his sons abandoned by BHARTI, who has left a suicide note. He stashes the children in Borivali Park for safety and drives away to draw off the pursuit; in an ensuing fiery car crash both mobsters and police presumed KISHANLAL and his sons dead. He survives, and escapes with the gold.

In the park: the eldest son runs after KISHANLAL, is struck by the pursuing car and is found by Hindu police Superintendent KHANNA, who adopts him. The middle son leaves in search of food for his crying baby brother; Muslim tailor Mr. ILAHABADI finds the 'abandoned' baby and adopts him. Returning to find himself alone, the remaining brother, holding BHARTI's suicide note, falls asleep on the steps of a nearby Catholic church, and the local parish priest Father GONSALVES adopts him.

Meanwhile, BHARTI is struck blind by a falling branch following her failed suicide attempt, and is devastated when police inform her that KISHANLAL and her sons are dead. KISHANLAL returns to the park with the gold, only to find his sons gone. Believing he has lost his entire family, KISHANLAL angrily swears vengeance on ROBERT for making him lose his family.  

22 years later, in 1977, the three sons are shown grown-ups with the names of AMAR KHANNA, AKBAR ILAHABADI, and ANTHONY GONSLAVES.

AMAR KHANNA is a Hindu police-officer, AKBAR ILAHABADI is a Muslim qawwali-singer, and ANTHONY GONSLAVES is a Christian liquor-seller. The three meet each other and become friends while donating blood to BHARTI, who met with a hit-and-run accident while selling flowers. Meanwhile, KISHANLAL has become a wealthy crime lord by using the gold bullion to form his own syndicate and drive ROBERT out of business, forcing a penniless ROBERT to work for him. Also, KISHANLAL took in ROBERT's daughter JENNY as his own and sent her off for her studies abroad. KISHANLAL and his men are forced to flee during a police raid at their loading dock, allowing ROBERT to escape with another shipment of smuggled gold after shooting Superintendent KHANNA. With the new gold, ROBERT regains his position as crime lord and hires new mobsters with the intent of retrieving JENNY and getting vengeance on KISHANLAL.

As the story unfolds, each of the brothers find themselves falling in love: AMAR falls in love with a small-time crook LAKSHMI after arresting her abusive stepmother, AKBAR falls in love with a doctor named SALMA , and ANTHONY falls in love with JENNY at a church sermon on Easter Sunday. BHARTI eventually regains her eyesight during a festival honoring the Sai Baba of Shirdi which is hosted by AKBAR whom she recognizes as her youngest son RAJU. Around the same time, AKBAR saves SALMA and her father TAIYYAB from a house fire, and TAIYYAB gratefully gives blessings to AKBAR and SALMA's relationship. This event led to both AMAR and AKBAR learning that KISHANLAL and BHARTI are their parents and that they're brothers.

However, things take a drastic turn when KISHANLAL gets betrayed by one of his bodyguards ZEBISCO, who kidnaps JENNY and sells her out to ROBERT in exchange for her hand in marriage. Father GONSLAVES attempts to rescue JENNY, but ends up being murdered by ROBERT; even LAKSHMI also ends up being kidnapped by her evil stepbrother RANJEET, who works for ROBERT as well. Upon hearing what happened to Father GONSALVES, ANTHONY soon learns that KISHANLAL and BHARTI are his parents and that both AMAR and AKBAR are his brothers. With the knowledge that they are related and realizing what just happened, the brothers are determined to make ROBERT and his men pay for their crimes. As such, AMAR, AKBAR, and ANTHONY disguise themselves and enter ROBERT's house along with SALMA, who helps JENNY and LAKSHMI escape. The brothers then reveal themselves before beating ROBERT and his men (including RANJEET and ZEBISCO) and having them all arrested for their crimes. However, BHARTI is distraught to learn that KISHANLAL has also been arrested for his past crimes, but KISHANLAL comforts BHARTI as the only thing that matters to him is that their family is reunited once again. To prove more on his point, KISHANLAL is briefly released only to give his sons a hug. The film ends with AMAR, AKBR, and ANTHONY happily riding along with LAKSHMI, SALMA, and JENNY in the sunset.

In my opinion I love this film it has one my heart, I also love the story, I love the songs/music, I love the comedy and action and I like the actors who act in this film I suggest you should watch this to it's very good.

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