Wednesday 5 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another family drama musical film which is called BAGHBAN, in English translation it means (GARDENER), this film is considered to be one of 2003's biggest hits and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image, a trailer and the full movie of it.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic family drama musical saga is about a banker RAJ MALHOTRA and his wife POOJA MALHOTRA, they have been married for about 40 years and live in a big house and have 5 sons, out of the 5 sons only one son they have adopted ALOK RAJ MALHOTRA, the rest of the sons are their real sons, RAJ has provided his children with everything love , money and helping them succeed in life.When RAJ retires he asks his 4 sons to spend time with him and their mother, but their children are so selfish they do not want to look after them, they believe looking after their parents will be a hassle, this upsets RAJ and POOJA, and after the ill treatment they get from their 4 children RAJ starts writing about everything that happened to him and POOJA by using his type writer by saying that look what he has done for their children and what did he and POOJA get in return, eventually his writing becomes a novel. One day they run into their adopted son ALOK he just returned back to INDIA because he was in LONDON for further studies because of RAJ who helped him a lot and got a job, ALOK considers RAJ and POOJA GOD'S because of all the help they have given him, he then starts to give them all the care and love which their real son's did not give them, later RAJ finds out that his writing has been published into a big book and calls it BAGHBAN, this book becomes a big hit, selling the first copies immediately. RAJ, as a result, gains the money he needs to support himself and POOJA in their old age. RAJ is honored for his work at a function, and the 4 sons attend with their wives. When they ask RAJ to forgive them, he refuses and instead disowns them, not even POOJA will forgive her children for the pain they have put them through, RAJ now with a happy life once again then starts to live with his wife POOJA and with his only son ALOK(since he has disowned the other 4) and ALOK's wife ARPITA. What I learnt from this film is that you should never disrespect your parents, you should always give them care, love, courtesy and respect as much as they give you.

In my opinion I love this film, it is one of the best family drama films I have ever seen, I love the story, the songs/music and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

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