Monday 3 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do blogs about another Super Hero, adventure, action-packed films which is called HELLBOY, there are basically 2 films in the HELLBOY collection and these films are considered to be huge hits. Here is an image and trailers to the 2 movies.

I will now tell you what these films are about in short summaries.

1.) HELLBOY: This first film is about a RED little boy who is found by a scientist during WORLD WAR 1/2 and gets raised by him, then years later he grows up to be crime-fighting Super Hero known as HELLBOY.

2.) HELLBOY 2:THE GOLDEN ARMY: This second film is about crime-fighting Super Hero HELLBOY with his wife and 2 friends are back to battle a very dangerous ARMY who are called THE GOLDEN ARMY.

In my opinion I love all of the HELLBOY films, I love the stories, the adventures, the actions and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films to they are very good.
Image result for hellboy dvd collection

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