Wednesday 12 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do blogs about another adventure, action-packed, Sci-Fi, comedy film which is called MEN IN BLACK, there are basically 3 films in the MEN IN BLACK trilogy and these films are considered to be classics and very big hits. Here is an image and trailers to the movies.

I will now tell you what these films are about in short summaries.

1.) MEN IN BLACK: This first film is about a secret agency called MEN IN BLACK and their CAPTAIN AGENT K (his real name in the film is KEVIN BROWN) always go's in the city of NEW YORK and battles aliens (males and females who disguise themselves as humans), later he recruits a young guy who was a police officer (his real name in the film is JAMES EDWARDS) K names him AGENT J his new partner now, K & J then set out to battle another male alien in NEW YORK who is looking for some GALAXY.

2.) MEN IN BLACK 2: This second film is about a female alien who has landed on EARTH in the city of NEW YORK looking for some LIGHT, the new CAPTAIN AGENT J (since he had neuralised AGENT K and took his place) now by himself sets out to battle it himself but then he his given a message that only K knows about this female alien, now what J has got to do is bring K and his memory back (by deneuralising him) and then together they will have to battle the alien.

3.) MEN IN BLACK 3: This third film is about AGENT J travels back in time to the 1969's NEW YORK to search for his partner AGENT K and then they must together battle another male alien who has an old enmity with K.

In my opinion I love all the MEN IN BLACK films, I love the stories, the adventures & actions, the comedies and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films as well they are very good.

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