Wednesday 19 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another romantic, psychological and action film which is called DILWALE, in English translation it means (THE BIG-HEARTED), this film is considered to be one of 1994's classics and a very big hit, every time when I watch this film it makes me feel like killing the villains in this film because of what they do to the hero in this film. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the film.

Dilwale (1994 film) - Wikipedia
This time I will tell you what this film is about in a big summary, I apologise I normally give short summaries but since this film has a long story I will have to give it in a big summary, I am sorry.

The film opens at a mental asylum where doctors discuss the strange case of ARUN SAXENA . His behaviour is very different to all the other mental patients. ARUN tries to escape from the hospital, but is stopped just in the nick of time by the doctors. ARUN''s mum sits in front of MANDHIR ( a INDIAN TEMPLE) everyday with her back turned to God only vowing to face God when hope comes. One day a new Inspector VIKRAM SINGH , a tough no-nonsense hot headed young honest cop who has been assigned the case of ARUN. At first VIKRAM refuses thinking he will go mental but during a visit to ARUN, he is touched by seeing his behaviour towards his former girlfriend SAPNA because of whom he became mental.
VIKRAM demands answers as to how a person like ARUN can commit a murder. so he visits ARUN's mum where the story goes into a flashback. ARUN was a happy free spirited young man who was always jovial in his life. Whilst attending his college's friend birthday party, ARUN is love struck when he sees SAPNA and immediately falls in love with her despite her not knowing this. SAPNA''s evil uncle MAMA THAKUR has been holding a facade for the last 20 years as his hidden motive is to usurp SAPNA's wealth. ARUN makes it clear to everyone in the college how much he loves SAPNA and will go to any lengths for her when he bashes up SHANKAR BIHARI a goon hired by MAMA THAKUR to marry SAPNA so that he can get her wealth. SAPNA at first thinks ARUN is a flirt but later confesses her love for ARUN after seeing ARUN almost commit suicide for her.
JYOTI (another girl from ARUN's college who had a crush on him) grows jealous at this and wants ARUN at any cost. When SAPNA sees this, she mistakes this as an affair. ARUN reaches SAPNA's mansion and clears the confusion, however MAMA sees this and tries to attack ARUN. ARUN stands up to MAMA THAKUR's fear tactics and installs that fear in MAMA. MAMA feeling insulted due to his false pride and ego sends goons to kill ARUN. ARUN is tied up and taken home where he and his mother are assaulted which sparks ARUN into action and he single handedly beats all of MAMA THAKUR's goons. Despite receiving death threats, ARUN continues to pursue SAPNA. JYOTI is falsely invited by MAMA THAKUR to click nude pictures at ARUN's house and is murdered. ARUN is framed for the murder due to his acquaintance with her. ARUN's mum is brutally tortured by MAMA THAKUR when she comes to visit him in jail. ARUN is thus forced to accept the murder in the court. When he pleads falsely guilty, SAPNA starts hating him and ARUN is unable to take this shock which drives him insane. One final attempt to kill MAMA THAKUR fails in the court and he is then taken to a mental asylum.
Back to the present day, VIKRAM promises ARUN's mum that he will fight for ARUN's justice. VIKRAM slowly becomes a thorn to MAMA THAKUR's illegal activities. MAMA THAKUR is in more trouble because NATWAR (a old friend of his) had secretly clicked pictures of the murder and keeps blackmailing MAMA, therefore NATWAR is killed by hired contract killers. ARUN whilst running away from a mental hospital van witnesses this. He reaches back to the mental hospital and draws evidence of the murderer in his hospital room wall. VIKRAM now realizes he has to catch MAMA THAKUR and starts to gather evidences against him. He also has to protect ARUN by giving him accommodation at his home as his life is in danger. MAMA THAKUR tries to humiliate VIKRAM after he refuses to accept a bribe but he and his brother are given a taste of their own medicine when they become smartasses to VIKRAM. Later VIKRAM gets to know that the girl he gave a car lift to 2 years ago that he loved was actually SAPNA but she is ARUN's now. VIKRAM has to reunite ARUN with his love. He painfully makes RAM SINGH (a police constable) tell the truth to SAPNA as he was present when ARUN's mum and him were tortured but he was helpless due to MAMA THAKUR's fear and SAPNA is very resentful due to the mistake she gravely made.
ARUN becomes better under VIKRAM's care. He almost gets killed by the men who killed NATWAR after VIKRAM visited the mansion and told MAMA THAKUR his days were over. ARUN gets an electric shock however that shock brings back all his memories and makes him back to normal again. ARUN is now discharged from the hospital. ARUN is sentenced to be hanged as soon as he is better but escapes to reunite with SAPNA with VIKRAM's help. ARUN then goes on a brutal vengeance mission and burns almost every godown of MAMA THAKUR which angers the commissioner as he cannot persuade ARUN to surrender. ARUN then captures MAMA THAKUR and his brother from a police protection van and bashes them up badly. VIKRAM and SAPNA arrive at the scene after VIKRAM rescues her from SHANKAR BIHARI. All the goons are then killed. ARUN's revenge is complete with MAMA THAKUR dead and SAPNA back with him again.
ARUN's mum and the commissioner arrive at the scene and tell ARUN he is innocent as Advocate SINHA (a lawyer) became the state witness otherwise he knows ARUN would kill him for the role he played in getting ARUN a death sentence. ARUN forgives SINHA and because he killed MAMA THAKUR he has to go to jail. The commissioner promise ARUN a short sentence in jail due to the physical and mental stress he has gone through. VIKRAM drives ARUN and SAPNA away in his van secretly putting a brave smile on his face as he loved SAPNA but would never be able to tell her that, because ARUN is his best friend and like a brother now.

In my opinion I love this film, I love the story, the songs/music, the action and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Monday 17 October 2016

English Film: BIG DADDY

Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another comedy & drama film which is called BIG DADDY, this film is considered to be one of the 1999's classics and a big hit. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This comedy filled drama is about 32 year old SONNY KOUFAX who has graduated from law school years ago but chose not to take the bar exam. Instead he works as a toll booth collector, and spends his day loafing around. One day his girlfriend decides that she has had enough, and tells SONNY that things have to change or else it's over. When SONNY's roommate KEVIN leaves for China, a 5 year old boy named JULIAN is dropped at their place and is told that he is KEVIN's son but KEVIN doesn't know his mother. SONNY takes care of him, and after spending sometime with him decides to adopt hoping that maybe his girlfriend will be impressed. But when he learns that she has a new boyfriend (who is a 65 year old man), SONNY tries to have the boy sent back to his mother but when he learns that she died and that he would be sent to an orphanage, SONNY decides to take care of him, involving a lot of comedy events.

In my opinion I love this movie, I love the story, the comedy & drama and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film as well it's very good.

Saturday 15 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another Super Hero and action-packed film which is called SHAHENSHAH in English translation it means (THE SAVIOR), this film is considered to be one of 1988's classics and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image and the full movie of it.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This Super Hero action-packed film is about a honest police inspector KUMAR SRIVASTAV who gets framed for taking bribe by a underworld don known as J.K., when he gets suspended and comes back home he commits suicide by hanging himself on the noose(rope) when his wife and only son VIJAY KUMAR SRIVASTAV see's this then the son then vows revenge, years later VIJAY grows up under the care of his mum, his MUSLIM uncle ASLAM KHAN who is also a police inspector(and who was also his dads best friend)and his MUSLIM sister(ASLAM KHAN'S only daughter). VIJAY also becomes a police inspector to and through out the whole film he eats PAAN(beetle leaf/tobacco) and pretends to be a coward inspector because he thinks he cannot fight criminals like J.K.with a police uniform on so he will have to fight criminals like J.K. in a different way he then becomes a Super Hero every night fighting of J.K.'s goons and other criminals by calling himself SHAHENSHAH (THE SAVIOR). SHAHENSHAH is basically a black costumed fighter, he has a right iron hand which is used to attack enemies and smash objects, his other weapon is a noose(the same noose his father used to hang himself) when VIJAY every night becomes SHAHENSHAH he describes himself as "one who doesn't hold a cop's job but does the same work; one who apprehends criminals himself, conducts the trials himself, and, pronounces and executes the sentences himself.

In my opinion I love this film, it is one of the best Super Hero films I have ever seen, I love everything in here the story, the songs/music, the action, the actors who acted in this film and the most popular dialogue which has one my heart and every others aswell which is " Rishtey Mein To Hum Tumare Baab Hote Hai, Naam Hai SHAHENSHAH" in English translation it means ("In Relation I Am Your Dad, The Name Is SHAHENSHAH"), I suggest you should watch it to it's very good.

Wednesday 12 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do blogs about another adventure, action-packed, Sci-Fi, comedy film which is called MEN IN BLACK, there are basically 3 films in the MEN IN BLACK trilogy and these films are considered to be classics and very big hits. Here is an image and trailers to the movies.

I will now tell you what these films are about in short summaries.

1.) MEN IN BLACK: This first film is about a secret agency called MEN IN BLACK and their CAPTAIN AGENT K (his real name in the film is KEVIN BROWN) always go's in the city of NEW YORK and battles aliens (males and females who disguise themselves as humans), later he recruits a young guy who was a police officer (his real name in the film is JAMES EDWARDS) K names him AGENT J his new partner now, K & J then set out to battle another male alien in NEW YORK who is looking for some GALAXY.

2.) MEN IN BLACK 2: This second film is about a female alien who has landed on EARTH in the city of NEW YORK looking for some LIGHT, the new CAPTAIN AGENT J (since he had neuralised AGENT K and took his place) now by himself sets out to battle it himself but then he his given a message that only K knows about this female alien, now what J has got to do is bring K and his memory back (by deneuralising him) and then together they will have to battle the alien.

3.) MEN IN BLACK 3: This third film is about AGENT J travels back in time to the 1969's NEW YORK to search for his partner AGENT K and then they must together battle another male alien who has an old enmity with K.

In my opinion I love all the MEN IN BLACK films, I love the stories, the adventures & actions, the comedies and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films as well they are very good.

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about another family drama musical film which is called BAGHBAN, in English translation it means (GARDENER), this film is considered to be one of 2003's biggest hits and has earned a blockbuster status. Here is an image, a trailer and the full movie of it.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic family drama musical saga is about a banker RAJ MALHOTRA and his wife POOJA MALHOTRA, they have been married for about 40 years and live in a big house and have 5 sons, out of the 5 sons only one son they have adopted ALOK RAJ MALHOTRA, the rest of the sons are their real sons, RAJ has provided his children with everything love , money and helping them succeed in life.When RAJ retires he asks his 4 sons to spend time with him and their mother, but their children are so selfish they do not want to look after them, they believe looking after their parents will be a hassle, this upsets RAJ and POOJA, and after the ill treatment they get from their 4 children RAJ starts writing about everything that happened to him and POOJA by using his type writer by saying that look what he has done for their children and what did he and POOJA get in return, eventually his writing becomes a novel. One day they run into their adopted son ALOK he just returned back to INDIA because he was in LONDON for further studies because of RAJ who helped him a lot and got a job, ALOK considers RAJ and POOJA GOD'S because of all the help they have given him, he then starts to give them all the care and love which their real son's did not give them, later RAJ finds out that his writing has been published into a big book and calls it BAGHBAN, this book becomes a big hit, selling the first copies immediately. RAJ, as a result, gains the money he needs to support himself and POOJA in their old age. RAJ is honored for his work at a function, and the 4 sons attend with their wives. When they ask RAJ to forgive them, he refuses and instead disowns them, not even POOJA will forgive her children for the pain they have put them through, RAJ now with a happy life once again then starts to live with his wife POOJA and with his only son ALOK(since he has disowned the other 4) and ALOK's wife ARPITA. What I learnt from this film is that you should never disrespect your parents, you should always give them care, love, courtesy and respect as much as they give you.

In my opinion I love this film, it is one of the best family drama films I have ever seen, I love the story, the songs/music and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Monday 3 October 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do blogs about another action-comedy film which is called BEVERLY HILLS COP, there are basically 3 films in the BEVERLY HILLS COP trilogy and they are considered to be classics and big hits. Here is an image, I am sorry there are no trailers or any other videos for these movies so in this blog I shall only give you a image, I am sorry.

I will now tell you what these films are about in short summaries.

1.) BEVERLY HILLS COP: This first film is about a cop AXEL FOLEY in DETROIT travelling to BEVERLY HILLS in LOS ANGELES to track down his best friend's killer, with the help of 2 cops in BEVERLY HILLS, JOHN TAGGART and BILLY ROSEWOOD who later on become his new best friends in the film.

2.) BEVERLY HILLS COP 2: This second film is about AXEL FOLEY travelling back to BEVERLY HILLS to track down alphabet bandits/killers with the help of his same old cop friends JOHN TAGGART and BILLY ROSEWOOD.

3.) BEVERLY HILLS COP 3: This third film is about AXEL FOLEY once more travelling back to BEVERLY HILLS to track down his boss's killer in a amusement park called THE WONDERWORLD with the help of his best old friend BILLY ROSEWOOD and a new guy JOHN FLINT. (TAGGART is not in this third film).

In my opinion I love all of the BEVERLY HILLS COP films, I love the stories, the comedy & drama, the actions and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films as well they are very good.


Indian Film: GHAJINI

Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another action-packed and a psychological thriller film which is called GHAJINI, this film is considered to be one of the 2008's biggest hit ever and an all time blockbuster. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed thriller film is about a man, who loses his memory every 15 minutes (they call this a short-term memory loss), has photographs, notes and tattoos to remind him to kill the man who brutally murdered his sweetheart and who is responsible for his condition.

In my opinion I love this film, I love the story, the songs/music, the action and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do blogs about another Super Hero, adventure, action-packed films which is called HELLBOY, there are basically 2 films in the HELLBOY collection and these films are considered to be huge hits. Here is an image and trailers to the 2 movies.

I will now tell you what these films are about in short summaries.

1.) HELLBOY: This first film is about a RED little boy who is found by a scientist during WORLD WAR 1/2 and gets raised by him, then years later he grows up to be crime-fighting Super Hero known as HELLBOY.

2.) HELLBOY 2:THE GOLDEN ARMY: This second film is about crime-fighting Super Hero HELLBOY with his wife and 2 friends are back to battle a very dangerous ARMY who are called THE GOLDEN ARMY.

In my opinion I love all of the HELLBOY films, I love the stories, the adventures, the actions and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films to they are very good.
Image result for hellboy dvd collection