Monday 19 September 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do blogs about 2 films which have SIMON PEGG and NICK FROST(one of the best BRITISH ACTORS) in them, there are mainly 4 films they have done together but I will just talk about their 2 best ones which are SHAUN OF THE DEAD and HOT FUZZ, these 2 films are considered to be 2004's and 2007's classics and really big hits. Here are images and trailers of the films.

I will now tell you what the 2 films are about in short summaries.

1.) SHAUN OF THE DEAD: This film is about a man and his best friend who also is his flatmate in LONDON must try to get his mom, his ex-girlfriend who he still loves and her friends and take them to the only place he knows is the WINCHESTER (the pub) for protection from ZOMBIES involving a lot of action and comedy events.

2.) HOT FUZZ: This film is about a honest LONDON police officer who has been transferred in the countryside and with his new partner he witnesses a lot of murders and then sets out to find the murderer involving a lot of mystery, action and comedy.

In my opinion these are my two best films ever, I love the stories, the comedy/drama, the action and all the actors especially my two best ones who the main characters in the films which are SIMON PEGG and NICK FROST they are two best BRITISH acting duo I have ever seen, I suggest you should watch these films to you will like it also.

Image result for hot fuzz 2007


  1. Hi Bilal. Have you seen the film Paul? I think it's their best film, certainly better than Hot Fuzz!

  2. Hi Anthony, in my opinion I think the best two are Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz, Paul I think is a bit confusing movie.
