Tuesday 6 September 2016


Hello it's Bilal again sorry it took me long to come back onto blogging I was so busy that I had no time to do blogs, anyway now that I am back today I will do a blog about a classic musical English Film which is called CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG which has DICK VAN DYKE (one of the most famous actors) starring in it, this film is considered to be one of the 1968's classical film of all times. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This musical classic saga is about a inventor who creates a beautiful car and names it CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG because of the wonderful noise it makes, one day when he is driving his new invented car with his 2 children and a woman who the children and the inventor befriend, a EVIL BARON with his men spots the car and he wants it at any cost, what the inventor doesn't know that his car is magical it can float and fly, so now together with his 2 children and his woman friend must keep his magical, floating and flying car away from the EVIL BARON involving a lot of comical adventures.

In my opinion I just watched this film yesterday and I loved it, I love everything in this film such as the action, the comedy, the music/songs and the adventures and the actors in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Image result for chitty chitty bang bang 1968 dvd cover

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