Monday 22 July 2019


Hello it's Bilal again, I will now do another blog about another romantic musical, thriller action film which is called CHAAHAT, in English translation it means (LOVE/DESIRE), this film is considered to be one of the 90's classic and a very big hit. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a big summary because it has a long story, sorry about this. This romantic musical thriller action film is about ROOP SINGH RATHORE who is a singer in Rajasthan just like his father SHAMBUNATH RATHORE, who is now sick and needs immediate medical care in Bombay. One day, while he is singing at AJAY NARANG's hotel who is a very violent psychopath, AJAY's sister RESHMA who is also like her brother spoilt and a psycopath, falls in love with ROOP. RESHMA is a spoiled girl and AJAY sees through all of her wishes. Unfortunately, ROOP is in love with a doctor named POOJA . Meanwhile, RESHMA obsessed with ROOP, and asks her brother to call him again to sing in their hotel. But when she sees that all the girls are flattered over ROOP, she gets, very angry and asks him to sing only for her now onwards. However, ROOP prefers to work for the rival, PATEL  than take this offer. AJAY's obsession with keeping his sister happy at all costs comes into play and PATEL is brutally beaten by him until he agrees to throw ROOP out of his hotel. Desperately in need of money for his father's operation, ROOP has no option but to agree with AJAY and RESHMA. ROOP breaks up with POOJA. The operation of his father is successful, but his father is saddened by his situation and decides to leave Bombay. ROOP realises his mistake he leaves AJAY and RESHMA, gets back together with POOJA and his father, leaves Bombay with them and get back to Rajhastan they then happily get married, when RESHMA crys for ROOP, AJAY can not see see his sister crying, frustrated with such a turn of events, RESHMA and her brother AJAY devise many plans to make their lives miserable. he puts ROOP's father on a gallows with ROOP on his feet, leaves with POOJA and asks ROOP to save POOJA or his father. ROOP's father kicks ROOP, sacrificing himself so that he could save POOJA, ROOP crys so much of the loss of his father after burning his father's body he promises his father that he will save POOJA and get revenge from RESHMA and AJAY. ROOP comes back to Bombay, crashes into AJAY's party where POOJA is held hostage, fights all of AJAY's men and then has a hand to hand fight with AJAY, after the long fight ROOP overpowers AJAY, RESHMA brings POOJA and threatens to kill POOJA if ROOP won't stop beating her brother. AJAY tries to shoot ROOP, but POOJA, who just sees him, pushes ROOP and her self out of the way and RESHMA gets shot, getting killed. ROOP comes to AJAY and makes him realise how hurt it feels when someone of their own kin dies when AJAY killed his father then he gets the gun and shoots the floor 5 times because AJAY is already dead from the inside because of the loss of his sister, AJAY is left in a shocked and crying state, while ROOP and POOJA escape they go in the roads and tells his father from the sky he has saved POOJA, the two get the blessings from God and his father and live happily ever after.

Image result for chaahat 1996

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