Monday 22 July 2019

Indian Film: ARMY

Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about a another action film which is called ARMY, this films is considered to be one of the 90's classic and a very big hit. Here is an image and 4 songs from the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about a honest ARMY OFFICER MAJOR ARJUN SINGH who is trying to bring down the notorious terrorist NAGRAJ, when NAGRAJ kidnaps his sister GAYATRI, ARJUN is killed while trying to protect his sister, GAYATRI goes mad because of her brother ARJUN'S death, when ARJUN'S wife GEETA a lawyer by profession tries to fight the case for ARJUN she fails because NAGRAJ is powerful and can bribe a lawyer to help him, NAGRAJ says to GEETA that no powerless widow can bring him down, GEETA then decides to take the law in her own hands she decides to ask for help from 5 criminal convicts who are good by heart, she believes with the help of KHAN, KABIR, KISHAN, KARTAR AND KEVIN she can bring him down, first of all she has to get them out of prison who is guarded by her brother JAILOR RAGHUVEER SINGH then with her ARMY decide to finish of NAGRAJ once and for all and getting justice for her husband ARJUN and sister in law GAYATRI involving a lot of action events.

In my opinion I love this film, I love the story, the songs/music, the action and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Image result for army 1996

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