Monday 25 April 2016


Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a comedy English movie which has various of funny scenes and it is delightfully very good. The movie is called THE NUTTY PROFESSOR where Eddie Murphy one of my best Hollywood comedians ever who stars in this film and plays 6 other roles in this film. Here is one image, and one of the funny scenes in the movie.

I will tell you what this film is about in a short summary. It's about an over-weight but a shy, soft hearted, kind and intelligent professor, he has a hard time at asking girls out since he is over-weight. Then one day he meets his colleague and a different teacher who is a fan of his work and falls for her. When he asks her out she accepts because she is very different to the other girls he asked out but when they are at their date a comedian in the club that they are at makes fun of him then after that incident he decides to lose weight, he try's everything to lose weight by exercising and being healthy
but still it fails. Then one day he invents a potion which will make an over-weight person to a very thin person, he try's it and it works, then he is incredibly thin, he keeps getting more and more fit and getting more girls but the potion lasts for about 24 hours a day so then after that he will go back to his normal self. The other day he asks his colleague again on a date but in his thinner version after drinking the potion again, since he his so thin she does not recognize him so he comes up with a fake name. When they go on a date again they go back to the same club where he was insulted so to get even with the comedian he makes up jokes and insults and hits the comedian in a different kind of style, but there is one problem the more potion he has in one day there will be a chance that his life can be in danger. In my opinion it's one of the best English comedy movies I have ever seen, I love every funny scenes and the actors who act in this film, I suggest you should watch it to, you will love it and laugh a lot as well it's very good.

The Nutty Professor (1996) on iTunes

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