Monday 21 May 2018

English Film: HAIRSPRAY

Hello it's Bilal again, today I will do a blog about a musical film which is called HAIRSPRAY, there are basically 2 versions one in the 90's and one in the 20's, both of these films are considered to be classics and big hits. Here is an image and trailers to the both movies.

Both of these films are about the same thing so I will tell you what it's about in a short summary.

This musical saga is set in 1960's BALTINMORE and it's about a teenager TRACY TURNBLAD who is obsessed with the musical CORNY COLLIN SHOW and her dream his to go on the show and make it big one day.

In my opinion I love these films, I love the story, the songs/music and the actors who acted in these films, I suggest you should watch these films to they are very good.

Image result for hairspray 1988

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