Monday 3 April 2017


Hello it's Bilal again sorry it's been a while, anyway today I will do a blog about another romantic musical, action-comedy and epic film which is called ROBIN HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS, this film is a little bit different to all the other versions of the ROBIN HOOD TALES, and it is considered to be one of the 90's classics and a hit. Here is an image and a trailer of the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This romantic musical,action-comedy and epic film is about the standard story of ROBIN HOOD. Evil PRINCE JOHN is ill-treating the people while good KING RICHARDS is away on the CRUSADES. ROBIN steals from the tax collectors, wins an archery contest, defeats the SHERIFF, and rescues MAID MARIAN. In this version, however, the DIRECTOR MEL BROOKS adds his own personal touch, parodying traditional adventure films, romance films, and the whole idea of men running around the woods in tights.

In my opinion I love this film, the first time I watched this film I could not stop laughing, I love the story, the songs/music, the comedy-drama, the adventures-action and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Image result for robin hood men in tights 1993