Tuesday 3 September 2019

Indian Film: BAAZI (GAMBLE)

Hello it's Bilal again, now I will do a blog about another action-packed film which is called BAAZI in English translation it means (GAMBLE), this film is considered to one of the 90's classic and a hit. Here is an image and a jukebox of all of the songs from the movie.

I will now tell you what this film is about in a short summary. This action-packed film is about AMAR DAMJEE who is a Commando in the police force he is brave, honest and a very dedicated police officer, he gets signed on a gunstrom company scam case by the chief minister and the police commissioner, they do not know that the person who did the scam was the home minister when they find out the home minister with his hired men take the chief minister and other innocent hostages in a 12 story building, AMAR kills all of the men and the home minister saves the chief minister and the other hostages with a lot of action events and gets honoured for his bravery.

In my opinion I love this film, I love the story, the songs/music, the action and the actors who acted in this film, I suggest you should watch this film to it's very good.

Image result for baazi 1995

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